June 5, 2010

A little something...

My friends in PA threw me a bridal shower!  I posted lots of it on my personal blog, but here is a little something that we can enjoy in our future home, thanks girls!! :)
H is for...
Hey! I'm
Happy to soon be Mrs. Devin
Harper  :) Pin It


  1. oh, you look so cute in that picture. all of us can't wait for you to officially join the wild harper bunch. we think you're great! see you soon!!!

  2. Hi Claire! I think the cupcake wedding cake that you commented on was $450. (She had 350 cupcakes and a 10" cake on top). Let me know if I can be of help with your wedding at all! I just got married myself and I know how important the cake is! :)

  3. Hey! I tried to be a follower of your blog, but there was no button for it :( Anyway, you are so cute, and I still can't believe you're getting married. See you soon! Love ya!
