-My sweet Aunt Joyce (mom's oldest sister) passed away today after an endless battle of breast cancer and spending the last week in the hospital with imminent heart failure and trouble breathing. Lots of family was able to go see her before she died, which I'm so glad about and know she's so much happier now. I look forward to seeing my mom and brother again when they come out for the funeral!
- I got called as Relief Society Secretary today. I'm really gunna miss my little Sunbeam buggers! They brightened my day every week. I love the sisters in this ward though and am thrilled to be able to serve them and get to know them better! I also need to get a planner or something to keep track of work/life and now calling.
- Ava had a rough day. She didn't like the beans in my lunch today? She's teething? Not really sure. She's been sucking away at her hands lately but had no appetite tonight until right before I laid her down. Crossing my fingers for a good week of little to no stomach aches!
-Watched the oscars and thought Jennifer Lawrence accepted her fall with grace :) can't wait to watch that movie on our clearplay. We still haven't seen Life of Pi, Lincoln, Wreck it Ralph, or Argo either. On the list!! Oh and...Anne Hathaway is so classy.
Ready for February to be oooovvveerrrr.
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