November 20, 2011

Spur of The Moment

We've done quite a few "spur of the moment" things recently.  That means something different to some people, but for us it's like not knowing what we're doing within the 24 hour period that it happens.
#1 - The Jettarbug!
(1991 Jetta - turbo diesel)

It's actually not ours, it's for Devin's brother Derek.  He needs a car out here in April and he found a sweet deal on this so he had us pick it up for him on Friday.
      We left right after school and drove a whole 2.5 hours away to get it from a teeeennny tinnnnyy town called Teasdale, Utah. It was so windy there, too, I half expected the town to just up and blow away.

The cool part about the town though, was that you cross through a couple other really tiny towns to get to it and you know when you're there when the mountains instantly turn from snowy white to red rock, like this:

#2 - T.O.F.W.
My teacher had some extra tickets to this that she gave me for Friday and Saturday.  I didn't go Friday because we were getting the car, but decided to go Saturday and take my friend Corina while Devin went to "the coolest gun show ever" in Sandy :)  
I have NEVER seen so many women in one room/place before. It was insane - I would not have wanted to be the "chair stacker" for that event!  Even though we could only go for the session after lunch, I was so happy we did. 
Some of it was super cheesy *cough* Jericho Road trying to be sexy for middle-aged women *cough* but we loved the speaker that we heard: Wendy Ulrich.  
She gave 7 points on "your personal plan for happiness" and as an associate of counselors and psychotherapists, she knew a lot! I will probably go into these sometime on another post because they were so good, but since it's that season I'll focus on one that I liked best:
"Don't try to be happy, try to be grateful!"  
I love this because when I try and force myself to be happy it never feels genuine but there ARE things to be grateful for and how can you be miserable/unhappy when thinking about how good you have it? I think this is called optimism. But really, ask yourself this at the end of the day:
-What are 3 good things about today, and
-Why did/what made that happen?

#3 - Temple/Buca di Beppo
Devin and Jordan picked us girls up to go to the Salt Lake Temple with Jared & Jess and Chase :) 
It was such a beautiful day in Salt Lake City on Saturday and this was the perfect way to end it.  
Afterward, we all met up with Abram and shared some big ol' family style pasta dishes at Buca di Beppo - we ate to our hearts' content.  Jared and Jess invited us over after for some leftover halloween candy and some mean rounds of CRUD (really fun pool table game).  Thanks guys!

Only 2 days of school this week!
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, you two really know how to pack a lot into a weekend! Love ya...have a great Thanksgiving week!
