November 6, 2010

Friday: No work, no class, no problem!

That's right...we finally had a day off! With the threats of snow coming next week, we decided that we better take advantage of the wonderful weather we've been having and give me a chance to try out my new hiking/camping gear. Desination: Rock Canyon. It was quite the spur of the moment decision....but we were surprisingly quick and prepared in our travels. I was deemed "gatherer" while Devin started a mean fire (it really was mean...lots of damp wood because of recent snows in the canyon and it was tough to get anything to catch fire). Finally after getting some coals, we cooked the tin foil dinner Devin prepared. Having no meat that was thawed (hence the spontaneous decision to go), he put in some turkey bacon which we discovered tastes like popcorn when it gets a little burnt - obviously we were fighting for those pieces :) We love tin-foil dinners and decided they're too good to only have when camping.

For Devin's sake, I will show you a partial product of our silly pictures in the tent...if you know Devin, there are more where these came from.

We woke up to a beautiful surrounding that we didn't exactly get to see when we got up there because it was really dark. Also, on our hike down we were amazed at the beautiful view of Utah Lake and the valley.

Final stop: Provo Bakery = DELICIOUS! According to Devin, they have the BEST donuts in town. I would have to agree with him. Apple fritter, crumb donut, and chocolate milk, of course.
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