We ended up leaving our hotel at 3am, transferred the kids to the van and drove with sleeping kids for the next 3.5 hrs. I REALLY wanted to stop at the Seven Magic Mountains since we didn't get to on the way down and I was afraid we'd get there too early to wake the kids up but the sun just happened to be rising shortly before we got there and the kids were starting to wake. It was the perfect stop at the perfect timing!
It's an incredible sight! I'm so thankful for whoever decided to do this :) Made a fun way for my kids to wake up and made leaving California a little less sad. Owen was amazed to see a sign that said to watch for venomous snakes in the area...we stayed on the trails for the most part. There was also a sketchy photo shoot going on behind the rock that the girls were standing in front of. Something to do with a scandalous buzz light year outfit...we stayed on our side of the rock and they stayed on theirs, thankfully.
It wouldn't be a family vacation without Owen getting sick :/ His cough started a little bit on Tuesday night and we only noticed it in the evenings throughout the week but he slept fine. It wasn't until that last night at the hotel (Friday) that it had him coughing through the night. It was at 3 am that I decided to try giving him his inhaler and that's when I realized there were no more puffs left. I woke up Devin to tell him that there were no more puffs left and that's when we decided to just go ahead and leave. We already had the car packed because we were planning on leaving around 5 or 6 to beat traffic but I'm so glad we got many hours of driving in with the kids asleep.
The cough continued on Saturday and I was able to get his inhaler transferred to the pharmacy in St George. Still, Owen had trouble breathing most of Saturday night so I took him to urgent care Sunday morning certain that he had an ear infection because he was starting to have a runny nose too. His ears ended up being fine...just decided that he had allergies that started in California either due to the air or possible pet dander or mold in the hotel room we stayed at. The allergies caused drainage down the back of his throat that were causing the cough and we were prescribed an antibiotic to keep it from turning into an ear infection or pneumonia. Poor boy can't catch a break but he adapts and deals with it so well.
It was so nice to enjoy a final day in St George. The kids loved running around the nice park downtown, we got yummy sandwiches at One Hot Grill where Devin "broke" their ice machine, haha. Mitchell and Farrah also had a really fun park near their house where the kids had a blast - all the kids there had motorized cars and scooters that they ride there from their houses and Lucy got to ride in a fancy princess carriage :) We also got to go to dinner with Mitchell and Farrah again at Icebox by Snow Canyon, sat at their favorite table and had so many good laughs.
We left at the perfect time for Lucy to nap on our way up to Spanish Fork, where Devin's Uncle Steven and Aunt Alexandria welcomed us for dinner and fun conversation. Our kids loved their basement where all the toys were for the grandkids. We feel so lucky to have nice friends and family welcome us into their homes - it seriously helped us so much with our first road trip!
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